Enhanced Analytics and Dashboards

Increased Visibility to Data on both Tracked Assets and Installed Devices

Geoforce provides robust Analytics, enabling the delivery of reporting and dashboards that give customers increased visibility to data on both tracked assets and installed devices.

Available Dashboards Include

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Asset Movement

Provides an overview of assets that are moving, idling, or not reporting. This dashboard allows you to quickly filter, focus and gain visibility into assets that are moving vs. stationary and identify the last location of non-reporting assets.

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Flag Status

Provides quick and easy visibility into assets that are flagged based on an organization’s specifications. This allows for proactive equipment management that can reduce risk, minimize cost and improve productivity.

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Asset Compliance

Provides the ability to keep track of asset inspections and certifications based on an organization’s specific legal or business needs. It also allows customers to concisely view assets that are currently in violation and require immediate attention vs. assets that are approaching their inspection, certification or compliance deadlines. This dashboard is available with the Compliance Manager application.

Geoforce Analytics provides customers with improved asset intelligence and in-depth insights that help them run their operations more effectively. Access to multiple dimensions of asset and device monitoring data can help both field and managerial personnel uncover opportunities to improve efficiency, increase revenue and reduce costs.

Insights gained from Enhanced Analytics can be leveraged to streamline various aspects of a customer’s business – including field operations, fleet management, equipment maintenance, rental asset management and project support.

Geoforce also gives you access to new Device Analytics features within our software platform. This set of tools will enable you to proactively ensure that your deployed asset tracking devices are functional, and it will give you visibility into each device’s operational health before sending an assigned asset out into the field.

Reduce headaches, improve productivity, keep projects on schedule and reduce costs.

Device Analytics adds efficiency to your field and fleet operations by giving you rapid access to critical asset-level information that can help you answer these questions:

  • How many active devices do we have?
  • How many of our devices are reporting?
  • How many days has it been since a device last reported?
  • What is the device battery health?
  • How many of my devices are currently assigned to an asset?
  • Are there specific devices we need to inspect to see if they are impeded from reporting?

The Device Analytics dashboard displays all critical device metrics, and all data can be exported for further review and action planning. In a single consolidated view, you can:

  • View battery health, assignments by asset, and unassigned devices
  • Check last reported dates and locations, as well as original deployment dates
  • Filter by criteria such as device type, battery health, and last reported date

Coming Soon!

Activity Analytics

Offers expanded visibility to asset location and movement, giving customers unique insight into opportunities for enhanced utilization, reduced downtime and improved profitability.